Saturday, 29 November 2008


The CHAPTER 2 the BENEFIT PIJAT to BABY. HEALTHER could prove in an ilmiah manner about therapy touched and PIJAT to the baby have many benefits. Therapy pijat produced the beneficial physiological change and could be measured scientifically, through the grating the level of cortisol airliur,kadarcortisolplasma radiommunoassay,kadarhormon stress {catecholamine} ,dan the EEG inspection {Electro Encephalogram, the wave of the brain} Although still necessary the further research to ascertain results of the research into therapy touched {the massage} the discovery that was produced has been enough to become the reason for the implementation pijat the baby routinely in order to maintains the health bayi.apalagi pijat this baby was proven ,easy,and normally was done in Indonesia so as not the matter that was new for the Indonesian culture.

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